Enrolment Process
Enrolment packs are available for Mākara Model School to assist you in enrolling your children. We are happy to receive requests for enrolment forms in person, or by phone or email. Please contact us where we can be of assistance.
Enrolment forms need to be completed before your child starts school. We are also required to see their immunisation certificate and birth certificate and if applicable, their vaccine pass.
Prospective parents and their children are always welcome to come to look around our exciting school. Our current students will often be involved in taking you for a tour, as well as the teachers.
If you are interested in finding out more about Makara Model School, or would like a meeting please contact us.
What we offer

School Visits
School visits help to introduce your child to their class and teachers before starting school. This assists in a smooth transition to school. The number of visits and their frequency is dependent on you and your child. Starting school, or starting a new school, is a major milestone for children and their parents.
Parents can elect to either stay in the classroom during school visits, or leave their child to enjoy their new classmates and environment for a short time while the parents enjoy a drink in the staffroom.
If you are visiting at the beginning of the school day, try to come early so that there is playtime with the other students before school begins.